Middle Term Loaning
Good evening, the newest financial figures for the middle term loaning.
Issue of sharesFixed rate per share: 0.5 BTC
GuaranteesBuyback at 0.125 BTC / 25 % (guaranteed)
Minimum distribution of 1% per week (guaranteed)
Expectations:Distribution after 4 weeks: 2-3% per week
Distribution after about 4 months: 5% per week
Information:The shares will have a fixed rate of 0.5 BTC, which will be distributed by us and as circumstances require bought back by us.
We'll use the shares as a find interest, with which we'll be working.
The guaranteed buyback will be saved in an "offline wallet" and stays untouched.
Only when circumstances require we'll give out shares or buy them back.
Trading at a fixed rate of 0.5 BTC is possible. This also includes the issuance and repurchase by us
ZiggiStars' new project on mybitcointrade:
High Risk Fond
Name of the project: 'Long Term Loaning ZiggiStar 20% / 30days guaranteed' PROJECT 17https://mybitcointrade.com/en/?content=boerse/projekthandel&projektid=17Distribution of shares:Limited to 1000 shares, 1 BTC each share (500 already sold)
Start of distribution: up from noW
Start of payout: 16. July 2012
Dissolution of the fund: 09. Jan 2013
Running time: 6 months
Guarantees:20% dividend on the whole running time (guaranteed)
Buyback for 0.250 BTC / 25% while the running time (guaranteed)
Buyback after the running time for 1.0 BTC / 100% (guaranteed)
Information:This is a high risk fond, so if the volume of capital is lost, we can only guarantee 25% payout.
The shares are distributed at 1 BTC, after the distribution the shares are free to trade.
Payouts are done daily, the value of the share on which the dividend depends is fixed at 1 BTC.
While the running time (6 months) we guarantee to buy back the shares at 0.250 BTC at anytime.
After the dissolution of the fund, all shares are bought back to the retail price.
We use the shares as an investment capital, to invest in other funds (high risk). If the foreign fund will fail, we'll pay back 25% of your investment.
The guaranteed buy-back rate will be saved in an offline-wallted and the bitcoins won't be touched by us.
As circumstances require, we'll give out shares or buy them back.
Trading between the users is possible up from the very beginning.
This also includes the issuance and buy-back by us.
Mybitcointrade.com/en Acc.
Name of Project: Long Term Loaning ZiggiStar 12% / 30 days PROJECT 16https://mybitcointrade.com/?content=boerse/projekthandel&projektid=16Share issue:Price per share: 0.5 BTC
All Shares: 5000
Start of distribution: 09. july(07). 2012
First Payout: 10.July.2012
Dissolution of the fund: 09.july(07). 2013
Duration: 12 months
Guarantees:Special campaign until 09. Sept. 2012: 12% distribution per month
While and even after the duration, we buy back the shares for 0.125BTC / 25% (guaranteed).
Minimum distribution per month: 4% (guaranteed)
The divident will be decreased by a maximum of 5% per month. (No limitation on increment!)
Expectations:Distributions starting from 09. Sept. 2012 10% / month*
Distributions starting from 01. March 2013 16% / month*
Information:The shares are issued at 0.5 BTC, after the issue the shares are free to trade.
Payouts are done daily and the value of the divident is fixed at 0.5 BTC.
While and even after the duration of 12 months, we guarantee to buy back the share at a rate of 0.125 BTC.
The shares are used as an investment capital, to realize other projects.
The coins needed for our guarantees are saved in an offline-wallet and won't be touched by us, this way we'll be able to payout your guarantee at anytime.
As circumstances require, we'll give out shares or buy back them.
Trading user to user is possible up from the very beginning.
This also includes the issuance and buy-back by us.
DAILY automatic payout on account of Mybitcointrade
Mybitcointrade.com/en Acc.
more projects coming soon.
Admin Skype : Ziggistar-sup
Admin Forum : Smart1985