
Topic: Mystery Chart Says to Buy Btc now and sell in ~115.2 Days (Read 16229 times)

sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
very curious on what this chart still say and how off it is now!? for fun of course
Basicly the author found a cyclical pattern in history.
It is however broken by now. The rally is overdue by nearly two months, we should be at 2K+ by now if the pattern were still in effect.
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
very curious on what this chart still say and how off it is now!? for fun of course
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
Surely there are enough predictions on this forum that a few will seem to be right just through random chance.

The Professor Pigskin of BTC?

Agreed, good predictions involve exact timeframes and/or values. Ones that get close may be worth investigating further, but mean nothing more.
Activity: 62
Merit: 10
Surely there are enough predictions on this forum that a few will seem to be right just through random chance.

The Professor Pigskin of BTC?
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

I just checked this and it looks like the pattern broke, theres been deviations in the past as well though.

Would you please care to elaborate?

The mystery indicator wasnt supposed to drop so low if the 7-8 month cycle was still on going. Another thing to keep in mind is it is based on gox only right now.

I just checked this and it looks like the pattern broke, theres been deviations in the past as well though.
Interesting to see that some of the previous buy points were positioned on a downtrend.  Index ~160 and ~480
Is it showing a buy signal now?

When it is high it has indicated buy in the past. The way it is calculated doesn't make this need to be true. Right now it went high but then the price dropped alot, also it went low after the drops, so it almost seems reversed.

Some kind of decomposition using orthogonal cyclic functions ... Chebyshev polynomials? Bessel functions, Legendre Polynomials ... how would anyone know, it could be your own special brew.?

NB: Just a ridiculous question ask given the evidence posted. Ill-posed problem.  Wink

It really isn't ridiculous. Extra info: I didn't come up with this indicator.
Activity: 3920
Merit: 2349
Eadem mutata resurgo
Some kind of decomposition using orthogonal cyclic functions ... Chebyshev polynomials? Bessel functions, Legendre Polynomials ... how would anyone know, it could be your own special brew.?

NB: Just a ridiculous question ask given the evidence posted. Ill-posed problem.  Wink

sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Is it really a deviation or could it possibly be acceleration?

How would you test that theory? other than waiting?

You're right of course. Nothing in the chart itself will confirm that (except time ofc). It's more of a gut feeling looking at the surrounding ecosystem and the expectations for the coming months.

Have you seen this re-interpretation of your chart btw?

In there, if you were to position yourself in the middle of the aftermath section of the first 2011 bubble, you could possibly draw the same conclusion and deviation idea, but time showed that it was only because there was still a lot of downside. That's another possibility to consider..

Activity: 1267
Merit: 1000
I just checked this and it looks like the pattern broke, theres been deviations in the past as well though.
Interesting to see that some of the previous buy points were positioned on a downtrend.  Index ~160 and ~480
Is it showing a buy signal now?
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
I just checked this and it looks like the pattern broke, theres been deviations in the past as well though.
Interesting to see that some of the previous buy points were positioned on a downtrend.  Index ~160 and ~480
sr. member
Activity: 397
Merit: 250

I just checked this and it looks like the pattern broke, theres been deviations in the past as well though.

Would you please care to elaborate?
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
Is it really a deviation or could it possibly be acceleration?

How would you test that theory? other than waiting?
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Is it really a deviation or could it possibly be acceleration?
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

I just checked this and it looks like the pattern broke, theres been deviations in the past as well though.
sr. member
Activity: 304
Merit: 380
well, if its right, its going to drop down to about 550, then go up, back down again in about 3 weeks, and then hover around 800 till what looks like the next run in 45 days+

who knows. kinda creepy though.

You arrived at that extrapolation just from studying the chart, apparently.  I'm having trouble gleaning enough information.  What do you see?
Activity: 1106
Merit: 1005
ok, got it.  Grin

got what? i still don't get it
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
ok, got it.  Grin
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
Ok, then I guess I am not reading the graph properly. At first, I though P was the future price prediction, and that we were at time point 1000 (which is obviously not the case).
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1030
Sine secretum non libertas
According to the dates of the posts:
1) 23rd august: May sell of already happen.
2) 23rd december (updated version of the graph was posted) : the 18th december selloff already happen.

The highs and lows of x correspond to highs and lows of p.  The periodicities of x are obvious.  The periodicities of p less so, until you see x.
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
I don't see how this chart is predicting future prices. These are simply historical data. Or am I missing something?

It already predicted, with frighteningly good accuracy, some 10 weeks before the selloff. Thats what you missed.

do we agree that may is at the 1000 mark and december 18th at about ~1250 ?
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
According to the dates of the posts:
1) 23rd august: May sell of already happen.
2) 23rd december (updated version of the graph was posted) : the 18th december selloff already happen.
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