What a bunch of crap.
First of all, had you invented a feature that people actually needed, the community would have embraced it without you advertising the shit all over.
Second, why would we want to "invent a better identity verification"?
Unlike you, there are people who don't like wasting time on developing useless features.
We've been doing really fine without your super payment protocol, just by using the old fashion GPG and its WoT.
And trust me: we are going to be still doing fine using these archaic tools.
The already implemented stealth addresses, combined with GPG's WoT, are far much better solution, then you shitty payment protocol based on central authorities run by corporations.
But how would you even know about an existence of such things, when you don't see anything behind the tip of your nose?
And last, but not least: it is bad for privacy!
You cannot get a certificate without providing your personal data to CA. And CA is a corporation that will always give this data out - if not for money than on a government's order. You cannot seriously pretend that you don't know it.
At the other hand, from the paying side, when I get to a merchant's web page that gives me SSL authenticated bitcoin deposit address and the amount I ought to send - why in a world would it not be enough for me?
Why would I need an additional, payment request, signed with exactly the same certificate?
Well, of course I don't need it, but you obviously very much care about us needing to use your payment requests... I just wonder why.
For me it is pretty obvious that you have developed this feature because some corporations delegated you to develop it.
And on this you spent like what, two years of development? And now you are disappointed because nobody wants to use it.
You wasted two years of time to develop this useless feature, while there were so much more important issues to address in the bitcoin software.
And here we are; few years later, the blocks are getting full and the only solution the bitcoin core lead dev has to address it, is still the same: we must increase the block size! Why we must increase the block size? Well, two reasons:
1) Because Gavin has not moved a finger to address any of the scalability issues. Decentralized off-chain transaction is apparently something that he was forbidden to purchase, since these solutions would make coin tracking much more complicated. Unlike the payment protocol..
2) Because he says, he doesn't care about mining. Well, keep not caring about mining, man - that will surely pay off for you
So to wrap up my post: well done, Gavin! As a bitcoin core developer, you can be really proud of yourself, for providing the community with features that one part doesn't care about, while the other part finds hostile to the actual bitcoin principles. And all at the cost of features that the community has been actually waiting for.