With all the non-up-to-date pools, it seems about the right time to announce my p2pool node at
http://gulden.p2p.0x0a.nl:27100 (0.9% fee), set up with the help of Spekske's source at
https://github.com/Spekske/p2pool-rav (thanks Spekske!). It has successfully joined the p2pool network - all are welcome to come revive four centuries of Dutch history!
Sample code:
minerd -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://gulden.p2p.0x0a.nl:27100 -u YOURGULDENCOINADDRESSHERE
I see wrong blocknumbers at your stats??? Current blockfind is 33684. Your stats say 42152 on april 14th. Doesn't seem right.
http://gulden.p2p.0x0a.nl is not ok and on the wrong chain as it seems. Or is it just the stats?
Ouch. The stats were (and still are) definitely off as the client showed block 33534 at that time* instead of 42152, but that still indicated a gap of 150 blocks. The node was connected to 9 other nodes, but apparently it was on the wrong chain indeed; now that I've added the seed nodes in the configuration as per page 1 (which I should've done at the beginning), it's successfully getting to block 33737. Interestingly in the other chain block 33535 was the latest at 17:48 GMT, i.e. a long time without a block, and a much shorter chain. I'm not sure how my node got stuck on the wrong chain, but since adding the nodes fixed it for me (and resetting the blocks/chainstate), perhaps they could be hard-coded into the client?
Fortunately in a way, the only other miner on the pool beside me did 1.6 kH/s for well under an hour. My sincere apologies to miner Gebjfv4CbdpqJMqnC8Ajvbt1aoMEQEVd72, and to the Guldencoin team as well. I screwed the pooch!. Big thanks to you veertje - good catch (although the p2pool stats might still be off)!
Having reset the Gulden client and p2pool daemon, I can now actually confirm that the p2pool node is working - addresses mining on
http://gulden.p2p.0x0a.nl:27100/ show up successfully on
http://dutchpool.org:27100/current_payouts after getting a share.
Additionally, I've now made my node public (addnode=gulden.p2p.0x0a.nl) and upped the maxconnections in the hope that that might help resolve some isolated nodes, particularly those that were connected to gulden.p2p.0x0a.nl earlier and received wrong blocks as well :/
* I've seen the stats problem before with p2pool, but as the only difference between Spekske and my node should be the front-end (same p2pool code for the backend), I might finally be able to find out why this happens - if I can find the functional difference!