OK, can you tell once more how to start NAS? Correct links?
Quick guide to setup a NAS node. Steps 1 and 5 is for a public node, you can avoid them if you just need the client. This guide is mostly for Windows, but the only point specific for Windows is point 6.
1.- The guide for NXT is quite the same, mainly the paragraph "Public Node from your home" (if you are thinking to do it from home). Take from that paragraph the way to
open port 7871 (not 7874, which is for NXT) and use a web service to get a fixed domain name for your variable IP:
http://wiki.nxtcrypto.org/wiki/How-To:CreatePublicNode#Public_Node_from_your_home2.- The link to
download the software is this, taken from the first post of this thread, as tiker said:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/svdjyo4ozdzfdhp/nas_client.1.1.3%28N1%29.zip3.- You should also have
Java installed, you can download it from the original Oracle page:
https://www.java.com/en/download4.- What I suggest is to change the configuration file before the first run of the node (otherwise, delete the database folder if you want to start from scratch), in order that the blockchain folder and files will be named with prefix "nas" instead of "nxt", and to avoid conflict of ports with NXT. You can take a
corrected 'conf/nas-default.properties' file from my post here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.105934325.- Then, you should have
another file on the same folder called 'conf/nas.properties' where you write just the parameters that are not by default, mainly your node IP address and platform label (for a public node), and an initial list of trusted peers (also good for just a client node), like this:
6.- Lastly, if your Java version is greater than 7 (the default for NAS is 7), you should
edit the script file 'run.bat' changing:
IF EXIST java (
for %%X in (java.exe) do (set IS_JAVA_IN_PATH=%%~$PATH:X)
IF defined IS_JAVA_IN_PATH (
7.- When you are done, all that you have to do is running this file (in Windows, 'run.sh' in Linux). If you opened the port 7871 on your router and on system firewall, and if everything is working properly, you have now a NAS public node. You can
access the client from a web browser by entering the URL (if you are not using my config file, port is 7876 instead, the same as NXT web client port):
http://localhost:7873But you must wait for the blockchain to fully download from the NAS network. After that time you will have your client and node working.