The last option of the poll had me laughing pretty hard...
When Nasa announces something im more excited than a kid on Christmas morning.
Its like finding something you lost years ago times 1000.
My pure guess - traces of H2O
Water discowered on mars long time ago. Polar caps on mars contains a lot of water. It's not a sensation. But finding living microorganisms on mars will be a sensation. That would be exciting. Im waiting for this.
Water can only exist on Mars as solid or gas, liquid at that thin atmosphere immediately boils off. Because in the mid and equatorial latitudes the ground can get to 80F (NOT the air) ground water anywhere near the surface at those latitudes would boil off. But not at the poles, that is why there is water near the poles.
For this reason if they figured out what causes the streaks on the crater, it would be interesting. This would be the discovery of a geological mechanism. My guess is that most people wouldn't be excited about that.
PS. Reporting is dismally unscientific. For example - scientists already agree that the canyons and gullies that cover the Martian surface were once carved by water that flowed across the planet’s now-desolate surface. Now the plant’s poles also sport massive caps of frozen water. But one mystery persists: what happened?
Liquid water on Mars would be a groundbreaking discovery, imagined by scientists for over a century, at least since Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli captivated the world when he announced the discovery of a massive infrastructure of canals criss-crossing the Martian surface in 1877.This guy writing does not even understand the effect of pressure on boiling temperature. I have just explained that no liquid water will be found on Mars....there is no mystery. The lack of radiation belts such as our Van Allen belts allowed the atmosphere to be ionized, and to be mostly lost. The atomspheric pressure dropped too low to support liquid water. There you are.