There is no thinking. There was a research done and I read it. But I am to lazy to now go and find pdf of it. Problem is as I said that such researched has to be reviewed a lot. And only time can help with that. In half year that cant happen.
Did you understand what you read?
Did the researchers filter the fluids they withdrew from the sick or dead people properly?
Did they properly separate the various substances that they filtered?
Were they able to grow the isolate in a petrie dish?
Were they able to compare what they grew to the filtered substance to see if they really grew the thing that they originally filtered?
Did they "inject" the substance into another living "person" to see if they could get the new subject to become sick?
Did they withdraw fluids from the subject they made sick, filter them, and isolate exactly the same substance they had isolated from the first subject?
Did their report go into enough detail to show exactly how they did what they did?
Can you find the literal people who did the research? That is, did they sign their reports, and can you actually locate them in the medical lab wherein they did the worked, in case you want to question them about some aspect of their work?
For starters, check the "Koch's postulates" article at Go 2/3 down the page and look at the things that have to be checked for in the 21st Century. Then search for the River's updating of Koch's postulates to see the path that needs to be followed to make sure that everything was done correctly so that the wrong substance wasn't identified.
Did you get that deep into it? Others have, and have found the reports lacking in many areas.