I know that feeling, sorry!
Of course, you can relate.
Look on the bright side, you automatically
qualify for 1 merit reward. Who needs money when you can get merit, right? hahah
By the way, i really dig that bet "
scoring x amount of points each quarter", i wish Sportsbet had something like this.
I never knew that was thing here, tbh. And thanks, You're right, Myself, just like everyone else would rather I have a merit instead of about 70 USD
On a serious note, thanks for that concept.
By the way, i really dig that bet "scoring x amount of points each quarter", i wish Sportsbet had something like this.
Of course, I'd would have love it if it's available, I find the odds very generous most times. The only bad part about it is that it isn't available for every match. Only a few ones, mostly between 1-4 matches on every match day.