The attack I described for the Finney attack didn't even require conflicting InstantX announcements, rather the conflicting announcement of the transaction being spent on the block versus on the instantx permissioned masternode. Even if InstantX are prelocked to a specific masternode, it must be possible to unlock the funds back to the general UTXO otherwise that would be a risk of losing funds to a masternode that refuses to sign. So thus the Finney attack can just unlock the funds in that case to create the double-spend of the InstantX transaction (by unspending it). No matter how it is designed, it can be attacked. I don't even need to know which way it is designed. I can reason it is flawed in any way.
If the lock can't be acquired within 20 seconds iirc it will lapse. Can't find a link to back my memory though. And I don't know how and by whom it is canceled either.
I was too lazy to go re-read the InstantX paper, so I was saying that Finney attack would work even if Dash was designed such that it required pre-assigning UTXO to specific set of masternodes via a block chain transaction. But I checked again and Dash doesn't require an enabling block chain transaction because it uses a deterministic algorithm to select the set of masternodes that must sign the instant transaction (this is called a "lock"): can see the paper doesn't even explain anything about how to distinguish between the conflicting block chain transaction and the locked instant transaction, because as smooth and I have explained, propagation is not something that can be guaranteed to be consistent for all P2P nodes.
Thus as I wrote upthread, the mining nodes can disagree about the ordering of the conflicting block chain transaction and the locked instant transaction. Once they disagree,
they can never agree again. You have a fork with some honest miners on one fork and other honest miners on the other fork. The merchant loses the funds on one of the forks. Do this enough times, and you fork the coin as many times as you want to end up with a coin that has 1000 competing forks, lol. That would be really funny. I'd like to do that attack on Dash just for the Lolz.
Don't think only of the merchant (payee). Think of the consistency of the block chain.
It's starting to get too complex for me for now, I guess I'll need to draw a picture of a forking network to understand the implications. Thanks for being patient with me and trying to explain.
It is as simple as no one (including the merchant and the honest mining nodes) can be sure which of the conflicting block chain transaction and the locked instant transaction occurred first. If we stipulate that everyone must wait 10 seconds before making a decision (i.e. meaning any conflict within the 10 second window causes both to be rejected) so that the instant transaction can propagate to more nodes, then the attacker can wait until 9.999 seconds to release his conflicting block announcement thus some of the nodes will reject both and some of the nodes will accept the instant transaction. Thus disagreement and a fork. If you don't provide any window then the attacker can release his block at same time, thus same result of ambiguity and a fork result.
This is what I was explaining to monsterer the prior day about the edge of any window/period being an attack vector if all chains aren't merged. I figured out how to solve that issue. It is fundamental and Dash is flawed.
The same issue occurs when the deterministic algorithm for selecting the quorums changes the quorum. Then there can be ambiguity (between two orphaned chains) in terms of which quorum is active for propagation. There is an inconsistency between what is happening with propagation and what is happening on the block chain. This ordering ambiguity for propagation is the reason we needed PoW in the first place, otherwise we could just use propagation and discard PoW (which is the reason that other designs such as eMunie, VanillaCoin, etc are probably flawed although I can't comment on eMunie yet because the design is still somewhat inaccessible to me).
but now it's getting above my paygrade and all I can add for now is noise so I will stop.
You can understand it. I just need to explain it better. I am quite sleepy again already so my eludication capability is tailing off accordingly.