Please refrain from comments because of scam, only registered today, without security no one will lend you so much and so on. for me it's just an attempt to get the money we need.
Yeah but those are the comments you deserve so you already know the result but decided to post this nonsense anyway... You're not getting the totally-not-donation here.
Woah, OK. First off: I'd like to apologise, for that reply, on behalf of my fellow human (I will assume the species, we are on the internet after all, lol).
Let's imagine that you did not post anything, suchmoon, the opposite of what you did. As to say: you contemplated the "if I have something not-nice to say/nothing nice to say, I shall not say anything or find a different way to say it" phrase/whatever-sentence, and so made a 'correct choice' and decided to say nothing at all.
I write this for you as much as I write this for me/anyone reading this by the way. We've all made similar mistakes many times in the past and perhaps will in the future, no big deal at the end of the day, just felt like writing this up.. I hope one can read it in neutral tone, I hope I can express myself neutrally too, and we can all learn from this.So.. IF that had happened, I feel OP still probably wouldn't get their loan.
To give them the benefit of the doubt (I'm assuming you don't know OP at all) regarding their statement, could have been a good option. What a rude thing to say if OP is truthful. If OP is not truthful, what a useless thing to say.
Even your last part "You're not getting the totally-not-donation here." 'could have been' expressed as "(perhaps) seek a donation OP", full stop. Now.. let's say that that was the only thing in your reply - I'm sure your 'point'/scepticism re:OP would have been conveyed and OP would still find themselves in whatever situation they're in (still probably unable to secure a loan of that size on here)..
[...] doesn't mean you can ask for a non-collateralized 0.5 BTC loan
OP is entirely allowed to ask. Anyway, I get what you mean.
Alas.. rest well, all.
@OP, do you have a job/how do you plan on repaying a loan worth 10-odd kEUR + interest in approx. 9months?