Hexcoin's address 191xqivuaVerBts5Q3rWg28qhvaDX3PjeE. (post | archive)
Transaction from Hexcoin's address to 1LGbP2HqrS9LjieLxjvS5Efxy5yz119Qcc. (fb373ab295...
1LGbP2HqrS9LjieLxjvS5Efxy5yz119Qcc is DirectBet.eu's deposit address. (bet status)
Bet won and payout sent to 12R9SPJBoiXmJiQ23HwM38gEWoBZ6FWk31. (a1e22929cd...)
12R9SPJBoiXmJiQ23HwM38gEWoBZ6FWk31 is yenzae0215's address. (See OP | archive)
edit :
Transaction from hexcoin's address to 1G8DHQuaP4ahZRw1ugC83QKKaW7P1tZQ4L ( 3198c...)
1G8DHQuaP4ahZRw1ugC83QKKaW7P1tZQ4L is Directbet.eu's deposit address
Bet won and payout sent to 12R9SPJBoiXmJiQ23HwM38gEWoBZ6FWk31
Edit 2 :
Hexcoin profile link https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/hexcoin-201782
the owner of this address 12R9SPJBoiXmJiQ23HwM38gEWoBZ6FWk31 is my cousin/close friend
i have my own address which is 191xqivuaVerBts5Q3rWg28qhvaDX3PjeE why would i place a bet to directbet and use another recieving address that based on reading this whole thread is 12R9SPJBoiXmJiQ23HwM38gEWoBZ6FWk31 is from an exchange. ( https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.10651526 )
i know that the address my cousin is using is from exchange which is coins.ph i can give my account's username and password there to any very trusted member here for the verification of my account in coins.ph
my friend always do bet on sports but when he is at work or somewhere else, he always do contact me to place a bet for him and he will pay me when he got home (just in case the bet loses)
(i can post proofs of us having conversation via text message if anyone likes to see it)
@qory pls move this to scam accusation thread so we can have clean thread instead of using this loan thread of yenzae0215
EDIT: if this will help
Reason : private
BTC Address : 191xqivuaVerBts5Q3rWg28qhvaDX3PjeE
Term Length : 2-4days
Im currently out of funds now and i need coins later
Confirmed. Thank you
Payment sent: https://blockchain.info/tx/86b8590be54803dd79c63a0c64da3668387493d74df4ee71e8fed9a837d17475
thanks MZ
this 2 loans i taken have no collateral too and i didn't even scam a little amount like what yenzae0215 did
I can ask him but im not sure if he will pay the debt or not. I dont even know if he have forum account or not :/
Im trying to text him now regarding this matter