The current lender details I have that will be paid out (please confirm):
ducatitalia - 1BTC - 1LUwMs4QJNPWZmaSrD4Uk8SrHSkbaGvqt4
botany - 0.50BTC - 1GiZCixEQeDi2NfbsUXbo9DWmj1E9a4Nfn
Magic8Ball - 1.20BTC - 1HCzqGjDUjmV53LJNrrFQhyF5nvgoSufAp
Sum of 2.70BTC, repayment will be 2.88BTC from arklan to me.
I have not included fees for anyone. If arklan decides to include late fees, they will be paid by him separately.
My current repayment needed is: 1.35BTC not including this loan.
As soon as I send the respective amounts to the 3 other lenders, arklan's debt to them is repaid and I will be the sole creditor (to whom arklan owes 4.23BTC plus any late fees). Arklan may still owe the other lenders late fees.
Slight update.
Magic8Ball will be paid 1.20BTC.
Total repayment and interest adjusted accordingly.
All lenders have been repaid, I am the sole lender to whom arklan owes 4.23BTC before fees.
Confirming receipt. Thanks!