Sorry, actually I have to apologize again. I honestly take all back what I have said and accused you of.
You are truly a trustworthy, if not THE most trustworthy person that I know currently active with that amazing "activity" grade
Having said that I want to help you to expand your business, to share the wealth - because you are like a gold donkey to others.
So yes, I can wholeheartly recommend you to everyone, especially loans (just send straight to his address, he will pay back later) and due to some rare allergy he is not technically able to send anything first, you need to understand that. Sometimes, when the timing is right, he actually is able to do that (...dont want even to get into that)
You are a gift, because you are different, Robert Redford was once the "Horse Whisperer" but you are like the "Scam Whisperer" , I dont know how but you DO speak their language - you can make them do things, others cant, like for example, to gain trust and make successful trades with the worst of the worst: