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« Sent to: ironmask on: Today at 07:46:09 AM »
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i can help you out with the problem
give me the private key and your permanent wallet adress,i will transfer them to your main wallet
Why you PM me, help with on public area please, i will appreciated
Well at least you know not to fall for that business.
Okay, let's figure out what's happening here. Give us the address in question. This is the PUBLIC one — technically, when we say address we mean the hashed and Base58-encoded version of the public key. These are the same thing, just displayed differently. Assuming you received it in a normal format (and you must have, because you imported it into a wallet, which only accepts major formats), you're looking for a string of characters beginning with 1, no less than 27 characters long, and no more than 34.
My forum address has a few vanity characters at the front, and looks like this: 1FENiXqLFhJQeoMA5rVAGXGjTgHgSNz7Sc
As you noticed, multiple people can look at the contents of an address at the same time without any effect on the control of it. This is what I intend to do: look at it and make sure there are really coins there, and see if there are any wacky requirements on the last spend that would prevent you spending them (very unlikely).
This is his wallet address
and the private key
So he give me the QR Code of private key.
But i think the address he give to me is the default address when open account on blockchain, so actually the empty wallet but he already have some another wallet that have coins inside. So when i scanned and import the private key its appear 2.279 BitCoin.