Early decades children were playing in the yard with their friends. Now they spend much more time sitting near the PC or mobile devices like zombies. Technology is good, but not when they transform humanity into cyborgs. And what next. Mobile phones, computers integrated into the body ?
There my friend is where you are wrong. Its not bad, its future of human race. Even now there are people with prosthetic that are robot like, and that helps people life normal life. In future i think we will be able to change almost all our parts with robotic ones, and maybe achieve immortality. And as far as mobile phones, computers integrated in the body, well there are chips that are inserted in hand and can be used like personal ID, credit card, personal card or anything you want. So it won't be too long till them make some kind of "hand" phone. And ultimately kind of chip we will have, maybe will be Brain Implant. Where you would have everything you need in your head. Access to internet, mail, calls, just with your thinking.