It has been a while since I last mined, and when I heard that Gridseed ASICs could mine both bitcoin and litecoin, I decided to throw caution to the wind, ignore the fact that I may never get a return on my investment, and purchase a batch of ten through seeds over at (in case you're in the market for a Gridseed miner, I can recommend seeds: he delivered within ten days, and when I had problems setting the miners up he had an engineer help me out remotely)
These ASICs can mine either bitcoin or litecoin or both simultaneously, although the point of simultaneous ltc and btc mining eludes me - surely one would simply mine whichever coin was most profitable at the time? When mining bitcoin (SHA256 mode) one device can produce 8 Ghps at 53W; mining litecoin (scrypt mode) one device can produce 300 Mhps at 7W.
So, which is more profitable to mine with a Gridseed miner - bitcoin or litecoin?