Recent News Recap
Some people were asking for updates as the thread doesn't really reflect what is happening so well. Here are somethings that happened in the last week or two to get everybody caught up.
A new update to NCC/NIS is on the testnet and is being privately tested. The devs are testing adding M of N multisig, changing the UI so using delegated harvesting is more clear to users, activating delegated harvesting from an account in multisig, and adding a token hashing feature to NCC.
Two mobile apps are in private alpha testing on the testnet. The iOS app development is coming along and the app can do things like send/receive XEM, send/receive messages, make accounts multisig, sign multsig transactions, and even sign/remove multisig signers to an account. The Android app has also been released and is undergoing testing of basic functions.
All of these things are being run on the testnet and testnet even got its own tutorial for how to start up a node. And has its own block explorer now too.
And additionally a new video tutorial about delegated harvesting and connecting to a remote node was made by PunkRock, and it couldn’t be more clear.
On the developments side, Colin, a new developer has started working on NCC. He has now made it much easier for other developers like him to join in the fun by making this tutorial on installing and using OpenJDK 8 with NEM. Very useful for those wanting to improve on the open source NCC. Colin is planning to work some more on NCC, and if anybody would like to help him, it would be a great help!
Makoto has been very busy traveling around Japan this week doing multiple presentations for future potential partners with NEM.
Also a NEM Slack group has begun testing and has integrated IRC <-> Slack <-> Telegram, as well as showing updates for the forum, Twitter, and Facebook. There is even a tipbot being tested on Slack and a lot of newcomers got XEM surprises upon signing up. That tipbot is currently off line but you can count it will be back up soon. If you would like to join Slack, please follow this link., our forum has not been so active. Mainly because most of the discussion happens on Telegram/Slack/IRC (over 1000 messages a day and many different groups). We need somebody to help bring information discussed mostly privately in the chats out open into the forum so people can see a little more about the development going on. Please help us summarize our conversations in the channel and make posts about them.
We also need somebody who is willing to work on the forum, maintain it, and even upgrade it adding extra features like social logins, updating Tapatalk, or even be able to migrate us to Discourse. If you have forum skills, please let us know.