The NEM admin I guess quite fairly said they can't do that behind the back of the community. But they also said I should ask The community IF I deserve a stake. I guess it's up to feedback on here now. I won't beg I just think it's fair.
What a frustrating situation. I don't know if the decision has already been made--I didn't see anything in the pages immediately following the original post.
Here's my 2 satoshis.
If this had happened to me, I would probably be asking for the same thing. However, when I got my stake token and then later the real account data private and public keys, those came with strict warnings to not lose them. So I backed them up in my password manager which I could access from anywhere, and I also stored them on two encrypted flash drives, one of which was stored away from my home (you know, in case my house and computer burned down or something). I've been in crypto for a while and have a number of wallet passwords stored in this way, and I know that if I ever lose one of them, I lose access to associated wallet, regardless of how many funds are in said wallet and regardless of who feels sorry for me, etc. In most cases the funds simply can't be accessed without that password or private key no matter how much someone might want to.
So... what I'm hearing here is that nextgencoin stored his private key in one place only, which was on his computer hard drive. Then the computer crashed and he lost the data. He's asking to be compensated for the lost coins.
The problem with compensating is that the coins used for compensation have to come from somewhere, like the community fund, so that they would be unavailable for their original intended purpose.
The problem with not compensating is that nextgencoin would in essence be punished for not saving his very important private key in multiple locations, which isn't exactly a crime. That seems stiff. But unfortunately that is common in crypto, and people kind of have to make plans for that because it's the nature of the beast.
I don't really have a good answer, but those are the issues I see.
If the decision was already made, then forgive my redundancy.
One can't even prove that he has lost his key. Say he get's a stake. What happens if 1 hour later the account that he claimed lost is empty? Everyone will tell the devs how stupid they are.
It's his fault. It sux but that's how it is.
Also judging by how he behaved in this thread it prob served him right (personal opinion). i don't think there was any official statement yet he went on a retard rampage.