I see NXT has proven to be continuous development progress throughout last year. They are far far better than other CryptoCurrency Developments. Much advanced.
It doesn't mean I'm saying NEM is nothing or offending NEM. I want know how big and faster NEM is in compare to NXT.
If I honestly say right now I have more confidence in NXT than any other CryptoCurrency. I'm new to NEM. Getting to know it bit by bit. Trying to understand where exactly NEM fits and shines.
Here's the story of how and why NEM came to be:
Basically, NXT had less-than-ideal distribution. An anonymous dev launched an IPO that despite being open for 2 months, only raised 21 BTC and 73 people got all of the NXT - and of these, most of the NXT went to only about 20 people. After a while, more people found out about NXT and its innovative features and the price skyrocketed - turning these very lucky people into instant millionaires. In response to the poor distribution, a number of NXT clones were created with each clone aiming to have a wider and "fairer" distribution than that of NXT. Examples include NAS, NXTL, NEX, NXT2, NFD, NHZ, and of course, NEM.
With the exception of NXTL* and NEM, their creators did just that. The clones launched, grew a small following, and then they flopped.
NEM was given away for free on Bitcointalk and then later for a small fee. During its development, there was also a minor scandal which resulted in the founder leaving the project.
Early on, NEM was originally planned to be a NXT clone but later, the decision was changed so that NEM would have a completely new codebase. So the devs got to work, and coded the coin completely from scratch although obviously it was still very much inspired by NXT. While they were doing this, a number of new features were added to the mix - the most significant of these being the novel proof-of-importance algorithm which discourages hoarding and encourages use of the currency (unlike traditional proof-of-stake which encourages hoarding).
I'm sure there are other new features that NEM has but I'm not a dev and the PoI seems to be the main difference between the two coins.
*NXTL followed a similar path to NEM, opting to build their coin from scratch as well. It was later renamed NODE.
Thanks Lorenzo,
I was looking for NEM history on google, but couldn't find. Thanks for some history insight on NEM.
Few more questions.
* I see in IPO or NEM investment Come-From-Boyond is marked red, and mentioned he took step back from his investment in NEM. I joined NXT just last month, but he seems to be pretty reputed person in NXT community. Do you know any reason why he has left NEM behind?
* jl777 is working on SuperNET which is going to be more powerful Decentralised Exchange. And of course more quicker and faster than NXT Asset Exchange with the use of InstantDEX, MMNXT, RAMCHain and such (Still trying to understand SuperNet technology. Seems pretty cool so far I have studied). His project over NXT platform is pretty solid as per my personal experience. Sure, not much people are using it right now, but as the service gets faster with InstantDEX, I'm sure there'll be plenty coming over to it since the recent heists happened over 3 centralised exchanges, and who can forgot the whole history of centralised exchange.
- What sort of Asset Exchange NEM has? or is working on?
- What's the development status/stage of NEM's Exchange?
- What features NEM's exchange has over NXT Asset Exchange?
- Is there anything better NEM has in plan to deliver on it's launch or after launch to compete or overpass SuperNET which is based on NXT?
- If NEM is not having something similar on their official plan or roadmap to compete such SuperNET, is there any other developer out of NEM team working on such project if NEM team is aware of?
- If not, what NEM has in plan to compete agains SuperNET?
* I see NXT has some exciting project underway, though they also are very well delayed (no surprise, but still) such as Lyth (Game), DeBuNe, Nxtty etc.
- What projects NEM has currently or in plan?
- Where can I see those projects? I couldn't find Assets or Projects section on NEM forum.
- Who are the lead innovators/developers in NEM development communities. I'd like to follow them on Forums or social media if possible, and see how well they are progressing on NEM development. That helps learning NEM development and boosts confidence on NEM technology.
* PoI is cool concept. I'm currently trying it in NEM testnet. All I know (from wikipedia) is PoI is based on how much transactions you do in network and on that basis any account's Importance increases. Is there more detail available on PoI?
- Not sure if possible, but still. If NXT plans to implement the same or similar functionality as Proof of Importance, do you think it will affect NEM?
* I have no idea about NEM developers, as I just joined NEM recently. What I learned on NXT forums, jl777, CfB and few others are very knowledgeable developers. Seems hard to compete. Who do you think is most equivalent to jl777 and CfB in NEM community?
I'm not offending or complaining NEM. I did mistake with PayCoin as I entered in CryptoCurrency just this December. Pretty new, and learning a lot every day.
Just want to make sure NEM isn't my Next mistake.
The best thing about NEM is Patmast3r. He's a real people person Always brightens my day.
Some nice overviews of NEM are:
Thanks for the post links @makoto1337
Will read it.
Read a lot since December, and still have a lot to read. I slept less in last few months since I learned about Bitcoin and it's related Block Chain technologies. Loving it all. Exciting and engaging as every single day something new happens in this industry.
Oh, and is there any plan for Trazer like wallet?