But i can´t install the newest version error message " no java or old java is needed" but i have install the new java version and yet i don´t have the time today to fix the problem.
Auf deutsch: Ich komme nicht weiter wer mir Hinweise geben kann wie ich das Problem lösen kann dem wäre ich sehr dankbar. Wie kann es sein das die nesuste Version Java nicht erkannt wird obwohl ich sie erst frisch installiert habe?
Probably the same error I am receiving:
yes the same error
as the error is suggesting, you need to install the 64-bit java version (your OS is 64 bit, right?).
I am on 32-bit OS, so I assume I am donating my NEM or is there another option?
currently the installer is not compatible with 32bit systems afaik. you can still run the stand alone version. you will find an easy to follow guide here:
Giving it a try now.
let me know how you get on with the guide.. if you get stuck anywhere or find anything to be confusing at first, just let me know and il try to improve it.
http://localhost:8989/ncc/web/index.html won't load been running about 2 hours now, more time?
have you got Ncc running? you should have two command prompt windows open.. one is Nis, the other Ncc
As long as Ncc is running, that should always load. In the stand alone click runNcc and then that link should work instantly