somebody decided to bake a huge cake, and there were 3000 or so people (original stakeholders) who wanted to taste it (on january 2014).
during the baking you could receive a coupon (nemstake token) , this coupon entitles you to a 1/4000 piece of a cake.
the cake is being baked for 1 year now, and some people got tired to wait, or they have any other reasons, and they have decided to sell their coupon on the nxt asset exchange.
the cake is going to be finished soon, this is why the kitchener asked everyone to return their coupons back to him, so that he could know who is going to eat it, and split the cake accordingly. I had my coupon since the very beggining, I have sent it back to the kitchener when he asked me to do so, this is why the supply has decreased but the coupon price remained the same (nemstake price is the same but market cap is decreasing).
Later I have decided that I want more than a 1/4000 piece of a cake, this is why I bought additional nemstakes on the asset exchange. I still did not send my nemstake coupon to the kitchener, but I will do so in a very short time. You are going to do the same if you buy the coupon now.
the total supply most probably will be 8999999999 coins, so 1 nem stake most probably will be 2249999.99975 coins.
0.1 nem stake will be 10 times less. so you may choose how much you wish to buy on the asset exchange.
You may buy yourself a piece of a cake when its finally baked (on a normal exchange after the release), but currently no one knows how tasty it will be. maybe it is going be the best cake we have ever eaten, and we will sell it to other gourmets at a much higher price
a very big and delicious cake