can i cash out my 19 Nemstakes on the AssetExchange on ONE NEM account by the distribution or i must split it to 9 or 10 accounts?
i don´t want it to complicate!
If I were you, I would stick to the rules.
these are stupid rules, every NEMster should be glad to have bigger investors!
I'm personally on the fence about this rule, but I have to agree with the consensus. Obviously, this rule is frustrating for bigger investors and that is the point. NEM is supposed to give everyone an equal opportunity and one thing we wanted to avoid from the beginning was someone coming in and buying up a large percentage of all NEM in circulation. There are, of course, arguments for and against this policy but having such large investors really goes against the spirit of NEM because we cannot really verify such an investor's intentions.
If such an investor wanted to buy a large portion of NEM to give them away or to hold indefinitely, then that would be great but in most cases these whales just want to buy a huge chunk to dump it for BTC or fiat later which is not good for the NEM ecosystem. (Just look at what the NXT whales do to NXT's price.)
The good news is that after the launch everyone will be able to buy as much as he wants.
Yes, exactly.
Precisely. And because people can buy in as much as they like once the currency is on exchanges, there is no need to undermine the initial distribution (that often preaches equality and fairness in opportunity) by removing the 2 nemstakes per nxt account restriction.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that there are plenty of people who go over these forums with the pockets deep enough to buy deep into IPO's and dominate those currencies, crashing them, or, if it suits, sending them to the moon. In the end, crypto's that have an IPO will serve to enrich a small minority, making them no better than FIAT or new POW coins - if not many times worse.
I say PoW coins because there's a select minority that owns the majority of the hashing power. the PoW model is no longer a fair means of distribution and any new coin that adopts PoW/Mining are only enriching those already rich. It worked in Bitcoins era, because it was a new thing. Not anymore.
I'm glad many devs see it from my perspective, and are content on keeping (and enforcing) the original rule.