When you're dealing with currencies not backed by anything, yeah, this is quite common. As crypto's are taken more seriously (Especially with the arrival of non-PoW currencies) i think prices will rise and thus stabilize as time goes on. Even better if there's some backing from the precious metal communities.
However, even a little bit of experience tells you that provided the drop is not caused by something serious - say, faulty code or an exploit in said code - no doubt ,the coin will bounce back. Most do.
These are but minor ripples in the ocean that is crypto. The problem is people let panic and fear effect their judgement far too much - they get preoccupied with the more immediate and obvious trivialities and don't broaden their view outward.
Well I will tell you one thing, if we don;t launch in September...
What if we dont?
If we don't launch in september, i'm not going to be bothered - why? Because they've delivered on an alpha client and have shown on many occasions their dedication and seriousness to the project. Provided transparency is kept and the people are informed as to why there is a delay, i do not view this as a concern.
Without transparency, all people rely upon is conjecture and assumptions (often spearheaded by people like CFA for their own gains/agenda). This is when you start seeing panic sells/buys and other such movements, of which can threaten the project. Transparency is crucial and compared to many coins, i believe NEM is doing exceptionally well -- especially as Utopian obviously didn't quite grasp this, which was delt with accordingly and swiftly.
If you think people are not going to be disappointed if we don;t launch in september I have a bridge I would like to sell you.
I never said they wouldn't be disappointed. I'd be disappointed to - what i said was, provided there are legitimate reasons for such, it doesn't faze me at all.
I'd much rather have a rock solid platform now which helps promote confidence then something thats breaking at the seams and only further promotes doubt and fear - the very reason why so many are suspicious of crypto's in the first place.