Why are you spreading FUD about NXT everywhere? Is this the attitude of NEM? Proving NEM is better by trying to take down NXT is very unprofessional.
This will only bring harm to the NEM community IMO.
I'm not saying this because I'm one of the 73 stakeholders of NXT. I'm saying this because I'm a stakeholder of NEM and I'm worried about our attitude towards other 2.0 cryptos which is the future. We should work together instead.
TaunSew is right. NXT is obvious piece of what comes out of the ass . dont lie to urself and defend this shit my lovely friend.
I'm not discussing about which coin is better.
I'm talking about 'attitude'.
When you go to nxtforum.org, you can't find 1 person that trolls about NEM. Instead; They are promoting it.
And they are very interested in NEM.
So. Instead of trolling NXT. Go look what our competition is doing and learn from it. Don't shout like; 'NXT is obvious piece of what comes out of the ass!' That says more about you than NXT. Grow up man.