A couple of data points:
a) Bittrex was not notified of the failed attempt to attack our exchange. I was made aware of the attempt to social engineer our process on March 17th, around 1 am PST, when talking to the developers in the NEM slack.
b) Someone deposited funds to our exchange and tried to social engineer double crediting of a single deposit of coins. This is not a flaw with NEM; If an exchange isn't properly tracking txids, someone can try to double claim something deposited. We have multiple layers to safeguard against that.
c) The withdrawal of properly credited funds were coincidentally delayed that evening because the NEM wallet produced an error. "2016-03-16 06:35:57.936 INFO chain update of 4 blocks (0 transactions) needed 97767 ms (0 μs/tx) --> That means his system was basically dead. Might be memory problems or something else." After service was restored, we proceeded to wait 24 hours before crediting the account for withdrawal.
I hope this answers the query we got and sheds light on what happened from our side.
Thank you very much richie I really appreciate your honesty
Also I received an answer from poloniex:
''I have told you how the transaction information was used. I do not know whether the person who claimed the XEM is on the NEM team. I did not grant anyone permission to use public transaction info to hack this exchange.''
So its very clear all the mess created by Kodycoon and his corrupted friends protecting him here, we are going to contact BTC38 today.
He did not admit wrong doing but he carry on manipulating the fact deleting parts that show he was guilty in http://pastebin.com/ipttRjL3 but he said the parts where not really importance. Put the parts you delete it!
Between his friends starting to say he is not part of NEM and yes he is part and bla, bla bla , making it more ridiculous the situation.. Asking him how vulnerabities are in the exchanges and he replying there are lots to go thru! Then he asked him asking to vote for him to be contiuned being affliated with NEM or no. Then patmast3r saying Kodtycoon is not affiliated with NEM in any official capacity. SO WHY KODTYCOON SAID THE BELOW:
''Look if people in nem don't want me to be affiliated with nem in anyway for any reason, that's fine. I wont be dumping any nem regardless of whether i am or not. Is that what U want cecvw? If that's what anyone wants, please speak up and I will step down "officially" if it hasn't already been assumed.''
Then patmast3r saying Kodtycoon is not affiliated with NEM in any official capacity. And kodtycoon saying he will step down "officially"
Please I demand not a public apology for stealing my NEM stake in the first place but for all the stress created here accusing Dannac and me all trolling, lies and being the same person and also to "officially" apologies to the exchanges not Kodtycoon but Official Managers for allowing this going on for so long and do doing anything when we reported in private someone from the team or ex team was hackening exchanges, if you continue carry on being so stubborn all you are doing is creating the end of NEM. NEM does not deserve what we have seen here the last few days, its a disgrace.