i'm sorry what are these "unfounded accusations and slander" ? i'll happily 100% back them up anything i've posted?
i'm sorry what would "slightly experienced investor" be seeing right through?
just sad to see so many drinking the same koolaide around these parts.
i speak up because i like to see a p2p currency progress, and anything that interferes with that needs to be spoken out about.
a shame alot of work and potential in NEM is being wasted imo, because of flaws in distribution (in particular gaming by a dev) FACT, privatisation by another Dev is collusion with bank; going against the whole point of crypto FACT.
plenty quest for fiat types want this whole bank deal because its an excuse to pump, i see most other negatives on NEM here mainly about NEM price v USD/btc which i'm personally indifferent too.
but most here hinge NEM success on this fiat/btc price., and you see ranting and raving based on that, and via a few who got caught out trying to game distribution.
create something of value not price.
NEMs distribution almost guarantees a low price,. and ironically people here are telling me learn economics 101
an ideal currency would be stable in price, but just most in crypto want this earlier adopter $$$$$$. again i say whats the point in being an alternative to the greedy bankers if we ourselves become the greedy bankers?
Again, your Facts are Lies. Not one of the devs ever gamed the distribution. This kind of slander is blatent trolling. Your next "I'm just a persecuted BTT legend talking the truth post" that is filled with slander about NEM members will be deleted. I suggest for now on if you don't have something nice to say, or a link to back up the bad thing you are saying with proof, you not say it.
Also your second fact is a lie, NEM has not been privatized. NEM is the same open and decentralized platform. What has been privatized is a fork of NEM that was optimized to run on high speed machines with 15 second block times and 100-1000 tx/s being tested currently. That privatized ledger is Mijin. NEM is NEM. NEM has not now or ever been privatized. What the two have in common, which is great is the same APIs, so anybody building on a private Mijin chain, can also access the NEM chain. They basically get two for the price of one. Sometimes they will want to only trade with trusted partners and have full control of their chain, or sometimes they will want to trade on an open decentralized chain with anybody. And now those businesses can mix and match as they please.
As for the "whole point of crypto", that is your subjective opinion of what crypto is. I seem to remember Satoshi's white paper being titled "A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" which actually is a great description of NEM.
Furthermore, NEM is not even just "crypto", it is a blockchain. Maybe you hate the word "blockchain" but the fact is NEM is being built to handle far more transactions types than just "crypto currencies" which is actually a very limited use case and is so 2013.
Its so funny that we find a way for thousands of businesses to interact with the NEM chain and you are implying it is a scam coin pump. Its really saddening. There are so many scam coins filled on these threads that have constantly lied and said they were closing deals with banks just to pump their marketcap. If we were doing that we would have said for weeks "there was a BIG announcement" and stirred up a frenzy, but up until this announcement we were getting trolled for not doing anything, yet we just assured people calming we were working while they cried "I don't see anything". Now we are getting called pumpers because we did something, and I assure you, our point is not to pump XEM but to build a real chain with real users and real businesses building on it. To me that is "the whole point of a blockchain".