I looked at their financials over 2 years ago and thoughts "holy fucking crap, how is this stock price anywhere NEAR where it is today"?
And thought, this is obvious, easy money, I am going to short this stock. 3 month, 6 month, 12 month even and I think some 24 month (was sure it couldn't possibly last 2 more than years, and it would correct significantly lower towards a more realistic value).
Great company, horrible stock, the most creative accounting i've ever seen in my life. Who the heck actually knows how to put a fair value on it. But I am warning you, as somebody who thought PUT options were a slam-dunk and got burned, 2 years ago or so - be careful, that price could stay high for who knows how long(years and years more even maybe..), it has NO basis in reality anymore. The market's prices today are totally disconnected from reality in many areas in general (long story).
I am sure many have come to the same conclusion only do discover the price behaves in a manner which defies reality.
This stock is a turd which just won't flush.
When buying options you have to get timing pretty perfect or you get killed on theta. I suggest doing something like an at the money vertical for directional play or sell out of the money call so theta is in your favor