your twitter link proves nothing. and it wasnt circumstance on MY SHARED K data which moved 4 days later... and wasnt public data either.... In addition the attorneys agree and pundits who are smarter than us both... so could careless what nonsense you try to assert. Its clear who stole it where else did he get the 100+ btc from cant even account for it. So well see when the exchanges are subpoenaed, more so it was not MTGOX as all the funds were accounted for prior to this and marked.
More so who do you think pointed it out to tokenview
but their assessment is incorrect. That being said you being his friend i could careless what you say which my claim was legit so realize that and stop trying to say otherwise. What else are you going to try and be biased on? oh ya everything.... Mixers are money laundering maybe you need to look it up yourself ... and the cases of which the owners who were convicted of doing that .. coinninja just to name one ... go do your own research.
More nonsense i see.. but opinions are like assholes everyone has one.. good thing there are lawyers to straighten things out.
So what if i was helping someone with this...better than spouting nonsense.
Anyways im done with this nonsense... again thanks to everyone besides stalker which seems like a fitting name.
Have a nice day.
you want to open that can of worms... then what about my 10k which was stolen .... some people have short memories and biased perceptions i see...
That wallet was never yours to begin with, so please stop with your nonsense, as nobody stole anything from you. let me point out to you what about the mixers condoned on here which is money laundering...
Get your facts straight. Crypto mixers and money laundering are not the same thing.
Pretty simple question. The owner was running it for over 1 year and had lost the file hence why im asking for it.
Hold on a second, let me make sure I have got this right: The owner lost their precious wallet.dat file, and now you are out here on a public forum, reaching out to total strangers in the hopes that one of them magically stumbled upon it? Are we talking about misplaced car keys here or what? I must say, your sense of humor is quite something!
not here to discuss the morality over it...
Why not?