am i mining right or is something wrong?
Here are two methods to solo mine
Method 1
Launchbikercoind and let it sync
Launch simplewallet and select G to generate a new wallet
Type start_mining at the simplewallet console "By default the miner will mine using only one core. To mine with more CPU cores type the number of cores after start_ mining"
Example: start_mining 4
You are now mining with 4 CPU cores
To stop mining type stop_mining in the simplewallet console
To see your balance type balance in the simplewallet console
Method 2
Launch bikercoind and let it sync
Type start_mining your-address number of cores in the bikercoind console
Example: start_mining bicksrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx 4
You are now mining with 4 CPU cores to the address you specified
Using this method you can use any address you want including the address generated with the GUI wallet
There is no need to have the wallet open to mine
To stop mining type stop_mining in the bikercoind console
Useful commands are:
Typing show_hr will show your hashrate when typed in the bikercoind console
Typing help in either the bikercoind or simplewallet console will give you a list of the commands available
Other information:
The blockchain is stored in the same location as other coins. For Windows that will be "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\bikercoin"
The GUI wallet will store the wallet file in the same directory as the blockchain by default.
If you create a wallet with simplewallet that wallet will be stored in the directory where simplewallet is located
You can open any wallet file with the GUI wallet by going to File - Open Wallet and browsing to the wallet file location