Do some math: 1 user with 1000 referrals - 720sat*10hours*1000referrals=0.072BTC daily=0.5BTC /week + 0.03BTC from 6% reward. Your faucet is dead in 1 week.
40000 satoshi payout is something people don't like
4000 sign up bonus is nice, but you will get users with or without it, it doesn't make any difference.
hope this help
Bro thr will be a special feature with reff comm.
For eg, - User need to claim at least once to get that day's reff comm.
2nd - I will first run a beta test for 40days and will see ether the module is running safe or not.
3rd - Bro i am oing to use many adverts part from bidding adverts like Adbit and Mellow Ads.
ive calculated all the maths. Even with 60% active reff, the comm. wont be a problem.
The only problem is fake traffic and bots.
I wanted it to be a hybrid faucet instead of just a simple faucet.