Yeah show couple first letters of email, and full ltc/btc addresses. Please hurry, I want see my stats
Done, check it out!
Have i been quick enough?
Nice work! Can you add total number of referrals and total commission in btc (above the list?)?
And please make only one line per address? Because I have already 400 lines in that list and it is only like 2nd day
And I like to see who is biggest of my referrals (I don't feel like counting it
Now is it like this:
Date/Time Referral Referral's dispense Your commission Percentage
2014-03-19 16:28:29 GMT 1MKFQCKNCup3EoYmdXXXXX 0.00000304 BTC 0.00000152 BTC 50%
2014-03-19 16:26:53 GMT 1MKFQCKNCup3EoYmdXXXXX 0.00000233 BTC 0.00000116 BTC 50%
2014-03-19 16:22:55 GMT 1EaV2wukyg9pUBM2AXXXXX 0.00000415 BTC 0.00000208 BTC 50%
2014-03-19 16:22:41 GMT 1EaV2wukyg9pUBM2AXXXXX 0.00000347 BTC 0.00000174 BTC 50%
2014-03-19 16:21:30 GMT 1LZthtoGwk5xqHdV2XXXXX 0.00000274 BTC 0.00000137 BTC 50%
2014-03-19 16:21:16 GMT 1JkoQ4TRKpuzLzQDsXXXXX 0.00000231 BTC 0.00000115 BTC 50%
I think this is better:
Last time used faucet: Referral Referral's total dispense Your total commission
2014-03-19 16:28:29 GMT 1MKFQCKNCup3EoYmdXXXXX 0.00000537 BTC 0.00000268 BTC
2014-03-19 16:22:55 GMT 1EaV2wukyg9pUBM2AXXXXX 0.00000763 BTC 0.00000382 BTC
2014-03-19 16:21:30 GMT 1LZthtoGwk5xqHdV2XXXXX 0.00000274 BTC 0.00000137 BTC
2014-03-19 16:21:16 GMT 1JkoQ4TRKpuzLzQDsXXXXX 0.00000231 BTC 0.00000115 BTC
Why is that 50% showing? Isn't it always 50%?