Maybe Vodka will be like cigar whose the chance is per sell not per bottle.
Ex : if u sell 3 whisky then u had ONE chace 40% selling one cigar NOT like this
First whisky selling, fail selling cigar
Second whisky selling, fail selling cigar
Third whisky selling, success selling cigar
But with vodka buying price 500 and selling 2sat/shot it mean 500 profit per sell, isnt too high?
Too high?? I hope You just kidding.
60 beer events with 20% chance give 12 shots sold in 1 hour. Profit 24 satoshi / hour is too high for You? Calculate, please when You will have Your 36000 satoshi (invested in this upgrade) back. Plus 2400 science points. 1500h gameplay!
P.S. Sorry for my little joy about wedding event. I'm already divorced.
I am confused about the discription, it said 20 chance selling vodka (it mean bottle right) and there is 500sat/bottle, with that phrase i assume it selling per bottle. But in last description its profit 2sat/shot and in buying button its buy per shot, so maybe its selling per shot too. If its selling per shot then its low unless its randomly like 1-3 per shot sell.
I think we must discoverel this invention first before making conclusion like this.