This looks like a rip off of Ore Mine, where you can 'invest' in upgrades and earn a passive income. Ore Mine stayed up for a while but in the end they could no longer support their ponzi and had to put up a fake seizure notice while skedaddling off with what they could.
what are you talking about??? ponzi??? i am NOT allowing to deposit - i am paying from ad revenues.
hi 19 payouts was processed + their ref earnings, they was a high ammount payouts...
at sunday i will be paid from popup ad networks and it will bring enough satoshis to cash out the most of the requests
soooo... sunday passed, not one single payment was made for days now. I'm still 286th in the queue.
I'm still hoping, but this doesn't look good, Tomos.
кoгдa бyдeшь плaтить?
guys the ad network withdraws are late 5 days.. i hope today will be processed and will send payments as soon as it goes.
if you don't trust me, stop playing