Just in case if some forums or websites or boxes for input (such as ptc forums or forum signatures) doesn't accept the "href" code (html) ,bellow is a simple method to post a referral link useful for forum signatures, PTC account signatures ,forums, blogs.
(hiding a ref link in a banner manually in a bb version)
[URL='http://......your ref link.....'][IMG]http://........the banner link.... .png/gif/jpg[/IMG][/URL]
if the virtualpub ref link code doesn't work for your needs or it is not accepted/allowed on specific website , please try this method.
The banner link can be found in the html code on your virtualpub account page and ends with a .gif or .jpg or .png or you can find the address with right-click mouse on the banner.
In some cases/websites the URL and IMG tags are not accepted with Caps lock enabled or are automatically enabled. Make sure you've tried both version with caps lock and without caps lock enabled for the URL and IMG tags.
In some cases/websites the http address
[URL='http://......your ref link.....']
must be between
" and not between simple
' like this :
[URL="http://......your ref link....."]
Make sure you have tried this too.
Important Note for Bloggers (Blogspot) 2 ways to post your ref link : 1. If you want to create a new post/page:Blogger (blogspot) may not accept http but only https links due to their new policy if you're trying to add a code in the HTML style of the newly created page, so you need to create the post/page and write it in the normal way.
In the normal way of creating a new post/page you might not be able to use the html code from virtualpub and/or if the bb code posted above by me is not working/accepted on blogspot HTML editing then you have to post manually (separated) the ref link and banner in a normal way on your creating/editing post/page.
You will need to upload manually the banner on your blog images database to be called from there as trusted (picasa web albums or albumarchive) and the ref link can be added manually bellow the posted banner on the post/page ,enable it as a link but you might need to flag the ref link as "no follow" for the google search engine analitics (robots) if you care about your blog SEO. You can hide the ref link in a text easily (such as Click Here for Registration) ,don't forget about it. You can also attach a link in a banner but right now i don't know how, you have to figure it how.
Uploading manually the banner(s)/images on your blogspot images database will also make your blog load faster on any device.
So try to avoid linking to external images as much as you can if you want a top speed ranked blog.
2. If you want to create a widget:HTML code from virtualpub is working perfect in a HTML/Javascript widget and displays properly the clickable banner. The banner might be auto resized in the widget,depending on the blog template (sidebar acceptiing only 300 or 350 pixels wide images).
If for some reason the widget is not working, then use the method 1 (create a post/page)
Until others sizes incuding the "squared" 300x250 (ideal for blogger widgets) version banner are released, use the 468x60 version.
Thank you.