Going for personal business has been a good way to generate revenue which having to go search for job somewhere else where you could be paid peanut. Many of the billionaires we are hearing about are people who have established different businesses and also ready to invest in other sectors. Doing groundnut oil business could be profitable for you if you know where to get cheap groundnuts you can buy and others like soyabean that can be used to generate oil. I don't have any idea about this kind of business but I will always advise you to make sure you do a concrete research about any business you want to do so that you don't have lose money after you have invested your funds due to lack of knowledge and experience about this kind of business.
Almost any niche in food production has very high competition, and if it is just an ordinary product, then most likely it will simply get lost on the store shelf among many others (if it is still possible to break through to these shelves). Therefore, for a successful business, this product must stand out with something, for example, high environmental friendliness, some original taste qualities, or health benefits, but in fact, all this is very difficult and requires high marketing costs to become competitive these days. Business can give a good prospect compared to ordinary work, but it will require a lot of your time in return.