NEW PROYECT CRYPTO ( Dogit ) Welcome to the new financial era, the best digital asset in Latin America! POW rewards 100 coins halving every 100,000 blocks
Type: pos rewards 100%.10000% yeasrly
Maturuty: 6 hours
block spacing :180 seconds
PROYECTO DOGIT: It is a fintech project that seeks to help people without good credit history to obtain credits or credit lines, through a decentralized platform and cryptocurrencies.
COMO FUNCIONARA?El usuario compra o mina DOGIT y los coloca a plazo fijo por tiempo determinado en nuestra plataforma, y la organización DOGIT, le prestará un porcentaje de la cantidad de DOGIT que estén a plazo fijo, así de esta manera el usuario podrá tener sus activos digitales protegidos a modo de ahorro y el prestamos podrá ser canjeado a BTC o DOGE para que sean utilizados como quiera, como capital de trabajo o placer.
our ultimate goal is to develop financial solutions for young people or adults who are just beginning but who have the means to acquire DOGIT either buying or mining from their CPUs and GPUs. and since the guarantee is the fixed-term DOGIT, you do not need to have a credit history.
We decided to carry out a pre-sale of 10% of the total coins that will be issued in order to finance the development of the platform, communication strategies. marketing and operational team cats behind the project.
For more information, do not hesitate to consult or visit our web page THIS IN CONTRUCTION shortly
Everyone is invited to collaborate and join our community, with your help we will grow very fast
For those who want to start mining here they have the information
attention only once you can send
We are in face of vote in nome
Dogit we give reward by vote for every 20 dogecoin we will give 1 Dogit the exchange of votes for Dogit will be through our official group in telegram (or)
discordOFFICIAL pool :
-a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u ( su wallet )-p x
wallet:!wepXGIJJ!SSw0XzwY66XjX_fEDppr8w Windows y linux
source code
[email protected]Discord: created with people from venzuela and chile for the programming part of telegram : @kaneki and @ lamacpsy people who are devoting their knowledge to help their countries and community and all those people who want to join thanks to all those who do not know and those who come to support us