Hello I won and I have the key but the wallet doesn't have anything please help
Hmm .. as I look at the game I see a weakness there.
If you send money to shoot the square, I guess the square is not revealed immediately, but only once the server picks up the transaction (perhaps even with some confirmations, I don;t know how it is set up), which can take some time to get thru the network, perhaps minute or more. Therefore at some moment the whole password appears on the server and if someone sees the revealed password before you and uses the opportunity and cashes out the wallet ... then the wallet would be empty. Looking in the wallet, I see one outgoing transaction in it.
Or maybe someone when he saw that the last square where the ship could be was not yet tried, he shot there first and simply cashed the prize before you.
I think the game should be changed to just pay out the winning to the address that paid for the last hit, or perhaps you register your address for possible prize payment and this will get you 25 unique payment addresses - so when one of these addresses receives enough coins for a killing hit, the server can then send money automatically without bothering with passwords.
Still, that leaves you susceptible to an attack, where once you shoot into first segment of the ship, someone just quickly shoots 4 surrounding squares and for 200 coins he get 500 paid back - unlike normal player who tries to shoot the squares one by one and then discovering that after first shot (with 1/4 chance to hit the ship) the ship is killed in the meantime and the prize is away.
So perhaps ideal solution would be to have private board for every player.
Or alternatively, if there should be a multiplayer, you can buy some shots for 50 EAC each (up to you how many would you buy) for your account, then you can spend them without waiting (each shot will deduct 50 from your acount, instantly reveal the square and if it kills the ship, it will add 500 to your account - then you can cash out and you will get 500 + cost of the unused shots back on your account - so if you've bought 5 shots and used only 3 to achieve victory, you'll receive 600 on your account)
Still allows interference from other players, but with perhaps half a second between the shots is much less vulnerable than with a minute or so between the shots.
In current state the game is quite vulnerable to similar aggressive multiplayer tricks.