I figured that out
check getmininginfo in console and you will see that generate is set to FALSE
just close the wallet and add -gen after the target
"D:\Program Files (x86)\Anthem Vault\INNcoin\inncoin-qt.exe" -gen
If anyone hasn't done this you won't generate coins
check getmininginfo in console and you will see that generate is set to true
You can also start mining from within the console by typing the following:
setgenerate true
I am guessing that the generate coins doesn't need to be set. I have mined 850 coins so far (most of them using the CPU mining on the 17th-18th) and converted over to GPU mining on the 19th. I was getting 95k hash with CPU (i5 Sandy Bridge) and now I'm at 1880k with GPU (Nvidia GTX660). The 50 coin block appears in my transaction log as soon as one is found with ccminer. It takes over 100 additional blocks to be found on the blockchain before it matures and is added to the balance.
I only modified the .conf file as follows:
rpcuser=inncoin (this could probably be changed, I left it default)
rpcpassword=xxxxx (use your password, I'm guessing the default one was autogenerated)
I changed server from 0 to 1 to allow RPC login. added a port and local address.
I utilize ccminer v1.2 with the following batch file
ccminer.exe --algo=x11 -o -u inncoin -p (your rpc password)
"[2014-07-22 14:53:01] GPU #0: GeForce GTX 660, 1883 khash/s"
Either way, it takes about $0.24 in energy (plus your GPU is out of commision during mining) to earn around $0.05 in inncoin (on today's gold price) per day. This will keep going up if more people jump on the GPU mining bandwagon. Only good for those who want to lose money, which I'm doing at the moment for fun.
My energy calcs is based on 100watts of energy used at $0.10/KWH or roughly $0.24 per day. Based on a set value of 100 grams of gold (~$4100) for 10 million coins, a block of 50 coins is valued around $0.02. That means I have paid ~$0.75 in the last 3 days to mine $0.12 worth of inncoin/gold.
It is only a matter of time before gold does another high climb, raising that dollar value per gram. :-)