Okay, now this is intruiging. I (and I think a lot of folks) don't just have so much time on their hands to just watch all the videos.
Unless you veto this, I'll first watch your final video, "the bigger picture".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxXG62R6gSwIf I enjoy it, I may schedule some time to also check out the other videos.
Do you actually draw any conclusions regarding Satoshi?
Well, teh choice depends on what you are looking for. The issue is that there are no simple answers, and expecting a definite answer to who is Satoshi Nakamoto is naive - and mrom my point of view futile without the creator of Bitcoin, or a credible eye wirness, stepping forward. I know you get the most clicks / sales by making a claim on knowing the person, but this is all bogus. I am actually more interested about the origin of Bitcoin, like technologies, idealogies and psychologies that all came together to enable and inspire Satoshi Nakamoto, and to make Bitcoin on eof the most disruptive, unexpected, and unprecedentedthe success story we have observed unfolding over more than a decade.
The ebook screens about 30 profile in quite some detail, showing that the putative profile I presented fits, to a large extent, to an astonishing number of people from all walks of life at the time. You only get a short glimps of a selection of more first tier "names" in the 4th part, but I omitted the dark horses so far, as just throughing these names in the ring without a related profile does not make sense. Still, I habve been told that the "1-in-a-billion" filter slide in the middle of the 4th part might be the most revealing element, so you might want to consider this episode if you do not have the time.
Those who are just searching for a unjustified nomination will not find what they want in my work, as there are way more interesting aspects than Satoshi Nakamoto's formal identity. You will certainly revognize that pretty much all nominations proposed so far can be dismissed as false based on hard facts, and dark horses cannot be confirmed owing to a lack of information to run against the exclusion filter.