"Satoshi" has 59 machines mining. To make sure that none of them accidentally repeated work, each one was given a different machine_id to put in the LSB: 0,1,2,3...58. Machines 10 through 18 broke down and he didn't bother to recycle the LSBs.
current_nonce = machine_id
while True:
result = hash(block, current_none)
if result < target:
current_nonce += 256
Ta-da! Solution. It makes sense that you'd put the machine_id in the LSB and not the MSB because it's easier to detect that you've wrapped around: Just check for current_nonce == machine_id. Otherwise you'd have to test for current_nonce >> 56 != machine_id, which is marginally slower.
The probability of 10/59 machines being broken and having consecutive numbers is 1.6*10^-10