One last post before i stop responding t oany more negative posts. we Did have the option to go with kickstarter, gofundme, indiegogo, Even had 3 meetings with VC's but they wanted a controlling stake in the company. As to the IBM people taking out second credit cards, selling our houses, using 4 weeks pay, Since we are obviously Bachelors with no kids, no families, THE FUCKING POOR STATE OF OUR GOOD OLD USA ECONOMY,
hell one of our chip designers has 4 ex wifes with a kid per wife, another is paying his mothers hospital bills as she lays rotting in a hospital Rotting away with cancer. Just because 12 thousand might be easy for you to come by, does not mean i can afford it after paying almost $35,000 out of pocket and since our engineers, designers and programmers are doing this for free after working 50 - 80 hours a week... well just because my team have great jobs does not mean there loaded..
And another response i think needs addressing is You know we can track your bitcoin payments... Well as far as i know you dont have access to my e-mail accounts nor wire taps on my phone calls. So whats discussed through e-mail and phone calls you have no idea what addresses i create for individuals to help me keep track nor do you know anything about equivalent cash payments either.
Just keep your opinions to yourselves, as i said if you don't like what you see move the FUCK ALONG, and keep your Internet Mouths Shut.
Last 15 slots = 1HD5drkLSsy6iCL2RjEqwMYpLYa2HRX6Du
@ DexX7
... each of those boards are 45ghz with 64 cpu's with mutli threading programming ...
Our PCI-e ASIC miners are based on the avalon CHIP (we ordered 10,000 of them).
1. 45 GHz!?
2. CPU != hashing unit
3. SHA != Scrypt
4. Avalon chips are one purpose chips with 282 MH/s
5. 64 Avalon chips cost 4,992 BTC
This is bullshit.
45ghz was in reference to the paraella Project which is a 45ghz 64 cpu parallel "supercomputer" board for 199$
For Scrypt mining.
64 avalon chips cost 25$ per unless you buy in bulk. Please refer to$-per-gigahash-~6w-ghs-2.html
Thanks you have a nice day.
Bolded...we do not need to know all of that.
Learn some boundaries dipshit. You are advertising a magical asic device and then spewing your colleague's personal life on the same thread.
LOL you are scum