Somebody else posted his contact and account info.
Someone else posted his contact information that is all easily found public information. Search his name or whois his website. His information is there for all to see.
Sorry, I happen to own a physics book. Whois won't hell the OP break the laws of physics.
And like I just mentioned. Maybe everyone needs to get off their "I know everything about Avalon chips" high horse and realize that there may be more to the device that you realize. If you took off your scam glasses you'd see that he's mentioned that there are other components playing a part.
ASICS are "Application Specific Integrated Circuits". They are circuits specifically designed to do one thing, hash sha-2. There is no magic that can make them go faster than they're designed to go. Electronics only go as fast as they're slowest part. Thats why you can upgrade a computer with more ram and a faster hardrive and it will go faster. But the ASIC chip is the limiting factor here. You can't physically get significantly more hashing from them than they're designed to do. I can give a it the fastests bus possible and it will still only hash at 282 MH/s. We're not just being mean here. The numbers hes giving us are seriously impossible. Is he going to try to overclock the chips 100 times. I'm not sure thats possible even with some serious hardware modification and do you know how much liquid nitrogen they used to even overclock a chip 2-3 times higher?