recently I have seen more and more interest from the scientific community on this topic ... I had spend some of my spare time looking for papers about it ... I really find this one interesting ..
Proofs of Work (PoWs) were introduced [DN92] to enforce that a certain amount of energy was
expended for doing some task in an easily verifiable way. In most applications, PoWs force malicious
users to accrue a large workload, thus guarding against email spam, denial of service attacks, and,
most recently, double-spending in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin [Nak08]. Unfortunately, existing
PoW schemes are often disconnected from the task they are attached to, so that the work expended
is not actually useful in accomplishing that task. More importantly, the work and energy expended
is generally not useful for anything except proving that work had in fact been done.
To this end, PoWs are wasteful of real resources and energy and, in the massive use case
of Bitcoin, have even been called an ”environmental disaster” [And13]. Two early attempts to
combat this are Primecoin [Kin13] and Permacoin [MJS+14]. The former suggests a Proof of
Work system whose outcome enables the search for chains of prime numbers, whereas the latter
repurposes Bitcoin mining resources to achieve distributed storage of archival data, based on Proofs
of Retrievability (thus requiring clients to invest not just computational resources, but also storage).
Another line of work, studies Proofs of Space [ABFG14, DFKP15, KK14], where a user must
dedicate a significant amount of disk space, instead of computing power, to perform their task.
This accomplishes a similar constraint on malicious activity to PoWs since a group of users cannot
over-perform a task without having access to massive amounts of memory. However, as a typical
user has free disk space, such schemes will not similarly waste a resource like energy and pollute
the environment.
In this work we present an alternative to these: Proofs of Work whose work is actually useful
to solving practical problems.
wpaper source: And if I am not mistake they talk about it on cource about cryptocurrency created by Princeton University at coursera (week 8, Alternative Mining Puzzles)