This is also essentially a interest free loan for you. If the price of bitcoin falls then you can initiate a chargeback and recover your $10, however if the price of bitcoin rises then you profit.
Or you could hope that whoever you "buy" from would not want to wait 6 months to send you their bitcoin so they send before the time you can initiate a chageback expires.
Every scenario works out to you pulling a scam.
True, that's why i've decided to transfer to coinbase instead. its just not possible to lock threads on this forum. also, i am not here to scam anyone. you are yet another judgemental cock sucker like the other two bitches who left me a negative trust, so fuck you. confront me like a man instead of jumping to conclusions you profiling ass bitch.
You are very immature and issue personal insults when you know nothing about the person. This is an additional reason for me to not trust you. There is no reason for me to confront you as there is more then enough evidence and there is no reason why I would give you he benefit of the doubt
well congratulations, you're a cock sucking bitch. here's your prize.
you people are insane. all i asked for was a fucking feedback in a trade!
I'm immature? no, i just aint taking your bullshit. faggots