You click the red box again and it will let you manually play with the entries. Basically you put in how many of a specific GPU you own, so if you got 1 1660Ti then you put a 1 to the left of it and click the "1660 Ti" box and it will appear green. Why its green instead of red is because Red is AMD and Green are Nvidia GPUs. Then all the hashrates and profits and different coins will show up under. Also put in your power costs, if you don't know then put in like 0.10$ which is the household average in alot of places.
So for the 1660 Ti with 10 cent power you will make about 0.23$ a day mining Ethereum. With a RX 470 4GB you will make about $0.18 a day but keep in mind that the used RX 470 is much much cheaper than the 1660 Ti even though it uses more power.