I just want to add something to what you said, and this is continuous learning. Don't be in a hurry to immediately enter a large amount in the trading exchange;
always start with a small capital amount.
And also remember that quick learning is not a guarantee to say that you will get a good profit in trading right away; that is not the right mindset; rather,
that is wrong thinking as a trader in the crypto space we live in.
Yes, basically before starting trading we have to change our perspective or mindset regarding trading, because trading is a high-risk activity so learning alone is not enough in a short time. Every time you trade is a lesson that must be learned and you don't have to rush to start trading. small capital because trading is not a way to get rich in a short time.
Even if we implement it, we must make trading a business, not a hobby or job. Because if we make trading a hobby then there is no real commitment to continue learning. Likewise, if trading becomes a job, it will make us frustrated because we don't have a steady income.
So the most correct thing is to make trading a business because in business there will of course be capital, losses, uncertainty, taxes, stress, and of course risk. So if we have this mindset when trading we are always careful, we continue to do research and develop strategies to maximize our potential trading profits.