
Topic: New Trading Engine reaches 300k TPS in first tests - page 2. (Read 2863 times)

jr. member
Activity: 32
Merit: 1
Nice work (based on your English explanation), any plans on expanding this to outside of latin-america? Or am I missing something?

very likely - we started this as a Latin American platform but it's a pretty sure bet that we will go globally with it. The Soft- and Hardware of an Exchange is only half of the rent - There is legal, organizational, banking stuff to consider and we are currently working on this. At the moment I can not comment on legal and bankable issues as we are in the processes of obtaining licenses and negotiating with possible partners from the financial industry. But it looks very promising.
Activity: 111
Merit: 10
Bitcoin Entrepreneur
Nice work (based on your English explanation), any plans on expanding this to outside of latin-america? Or am I missing something?
jr. member
Activity: 32
Merit: 1

just wanted to point your attention to the video we have release today - we are working on a new trading platform ( and an early stage test shows that we reach over 300k Transactions per Second in our Order Matching Engine - The Order Matching is capable of many millions of TPS, the bottleneck at the moment is shuffling more then 300k in and out of the Order Matching Engine. This test has been done on a fairly modest hardware, so we are confident we can increase this as we go.

For the technical interested here is the video:

or on Reddit:


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