Besides, how many times do you have your bank or email account (or work for that matter) "suggesting" you change your password? Quite often I would imagine.
Gmail never suggests me to change password, unless I change device or give some app permission for email account and you know we get that notification, "Not you? change your password."
With banks there have been few occurances, but I only change if it's mandatory
Set your password to ten to twelve characters - but not ones that are only found on your phone (otherwise you'll be stuck logging on on you cell phone) - source a random password generator app and don't use words or phone numbers/birthdays. (which app do you use?)
Yep, password manager ftw, and I use keepass. Used to use lastpass, after it's frequent hacks, I moved.
As to New Years resolutions - I tend not to make any but am keen to hear what yours are. In the past, I've tried reading all those books that have been gifted to me over the years. Read some of them, but not all. Anyone make weight loss resolutions or quite drugs/smoking/vaping/drinking and fail miserably?
I don't either cause if you make one, there is chance to fail. If you don't there is no chance fail, amirite?
What about home renovations? Or getting in contact with long lost family members or old flames?
Home renovation, yep. Depends on money flow, may the crypto gods be with us!