Read the fine print.... " Most specific of all the conditions is probably the part of the ruling that requires that “the value of the crypto-asset is pegged to one or more fiat currencies.” This suggests that only stablecoins will be usable as payment for salaries, significantly reducing the number of virtual assets that will not raise any violation issues. "
The article has actually made a mistake here. I'll quote part of my post from another thread about this below:
If you read the actual Tax Information Bulletin from New Zealand's Inland Revenue Department (available here:, what it actually states is as follows (emphasis mine):
The crypto-assets being paid can be converted directly into a fiat currency (on an exchange); and either:
– a significant purpose of the crypto-asset is to function like a currency; or
– the value of the crypto-asset is pegged to one or more fiat currencies.
The bulletin states that they would consider coins designed to be currency, such as bitcoin and litecoin, as well as coins designed for other purposes which can also act sufficient like currency, such as ether, to fall under this categorization, in addition to stablecoins. What they are ruling out is employers trying to make payments in useless altcoins or tokens that aren't easily (or at all) convertible to fiat.
The bulletin even gives an "example scenario" on page 10, which has an employee being paid half of his salary in bitcoin.
I don't think this is necessarily about New Zealand trying to control crypto, but more about them wanting to set up tax regulations, much like the IRS is trying to do in America. Essentially it says if you are paid a gross amount of crypto denominated in NZD, taken as a proportion out of your fiat paycheck (e.g. $1000 of your paycheck will be paid in bitcoin), you will be taxed normally via PAYE on the gross fiat value. If however you are paid a net amount of crypto, then you will need to convert it to the relevant fiat value at time of payment and add it to your PAYE calculation.