The thing is they know that it's utterly stupid and pointless, but they want a law passed so they can target individuals that they happen to dislike, I see these kind of laws easily being used by misandrists for example who will inevitably cry about a couple of assholes spamming their accounts and then an entire group they don't like going to jail for it.
Exactly. This is why these laws should not be tolerated anywhere in the world.
And they don't have to be tolerated in New Zealand. Why not? Because New Zealand law is based on English common law. common law is different than English common law. American common law is a little easier. Here is how it works.
The 7th Amendment essentially allows any adult individual to require a common law jury trial for anything.
The 9th Amendment essentially states that no rights listed by the Constitution (or that flow out of the Constitution) diminish any rights that people had before the Constitution was put together.
When was the Constitution put together? It was before there was any legalese (legal language). It was put together using the common language of the people, which is the same thing that the common law uses. None of the definitions of any law or law book that came about following the institution of the Constitution was available at the time that the Constitution was ratified. Thus, all the common law had to do with the common language of the people. Since it is the common language, not the legalese language of the legal system, the common law of the people prevails.
Common law is on top, because the Constitution and the Bill of rights don't have any laws for the people. They have prohibitions for the government. And the rights of the people can't be diminished. And if anyone harms or damages another person, the only law that prevails is the common law of the jury. Thus the jury can judge both the legality of the legalese law and the guilt or innocence of a person or corporation accused.
This is it, period! This is foundational law in America, and the courts all know it. Now, you as a person have to KNOW it so that you can demand justice in the only way that applies - if you harm or damage someone, or if he does so to you.
New Zealand common law - and that of the U.K., and Canada, and Australia, and India, and a few other places - has an extra step in it that can make it a little more difficult, but also can make it a little harder for the courts to play with people at times. All in all, common law rules, and this means that a person can require his accuser to get on the stand and verify harm or property damage, and prove that it was the person accused who did it.
Legal laws don't apply much except that the person accused lets them.