New GRC coin (Get Rich Coin!)
This coin aims to restores our faith in crypto currencies as a whole, bonding nations together in friendship, pushing us forward, leading mankind into a new age of tolerance and love. (thanks for the slogan spoid)
- Total Coins: Slightly more than the last coin released
- 1 Minute re target for blocks (but because its released with an initial difficulty really low, the blocks will be sub one second for the first few days)
- Not pre mined (except if you count the coins that I start to mine the second after I post this thread)
- block subsidy halves every 8 months / 350k blocks (8 months as this is the roughly the amount of blocks that will be mined the first week while the difficulty tries to keep up)
Update: I Forgot to list the ports, they are UDP port 1900 and TCP port 2869, please open these externally on your router.I will set up a pool in a couple of hours, to overcome some of the orphan and rejected block issues you will have (only a 3% fee on that)
I will set up a giveaway thread in a day or so, 5 GRC to everyone that found this post a day late to bolster interest in the coin
Expect exchanges to start accepting this coin in a few days, at rates pre established by false trade posts.
Expected returns
Early miners / Me ; Very good (GRC)
Late miners; pretty good
Early forum traders; good
Early exchange buyers; average
Everyone else; -EV I'm afraid
UPDATE: I am having some issues with hosting due to the currently non existent 'comz' TLD , I urgently need donations to lobby ICANN, so I can get the download pages back up!
LTC Donations: LcsB5fK9CZVVAJ3k7nhkXnYDe4kB7xJd5L
BTC Donations: 1ERYoM2WNdWRdq5mwZym1zmDHd6Ck8e3avWindows QT Client:
GRC-Windows-Qt-0.6.9.zipWindows Daemon:
GRC-Windows-Qt-0.6.9-Daemon.zipLinux Client:
GRC-Linux-0.6.9.zipSOURCE: TBA